On April 3rd, the star of ye olde blogge turned 2 years old! That’s right – don’t think for a moment that I don’t know who REALLY is the main attraction at Widow Badass Industries. Ahem.
We (his parents and I) decided to take Bowser to the beach and pick up some food (from POKÉ PAGE2) along the way.
Once we got to the beach (and devoured our meal), it was time for the celebrations to begin. I may or may not have snuck Bowser some salmon, tuna, and tamago from my bowl.
Then it was time for the REAL birthday treat:
Don’t worry – we didn’t let Bowser eat the whole cookie at once. He will be enjoying pieces of it over the next number of weeks.
We hope you are taking some time to celebrate the little (and big!) things in your life.
Rock on,
The WB